Felt roofing

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Felt roofing

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Felt roofing

Felt roofing is one of a number of flat roofing covers available in the market, and each flat roofing approach has different advantages and drawbacks. Of all the roofs felt is amongst the most long-standing of roof covers and today the most likely application method of felt roofing is something called the torch on method, rather than what used to be more common the pour and roll method.

What is Felt?

Felt roofing, which is in the trade called “Bituminous felt” is waterproof sheeting for your flat roof but can also be utilised as a lining underneath tiles again on your roof. Bituminous felt, albeit a mouthful to say comprised of bitumen. Bitumen originates from crude oil that is distilled then mixed with limestone or sand. This bitumen gets added to a fibreglass membrane, or possibly polyester or hessian before a coating of sand is added to make the felt look nice.


Earlier we mentioned the most utilised way of applying felt roofing is called “Torch-on”, this is some of the reasons listed here as to why it’s such a good way to go:

  • Installation is easy and repair quickly to do. It also benefits from being agnostic to temperatures so lasts in all weathers.
  • Tend to last a long time and cope well against the elements and are great in wet weather
  • Low cost versus other roof materials and are low maintenance once installed
  • Can be used not only on flat roofs but on a variety of shapes and contours

Felt roofing can last a long time assuming the material itself is well looked after. It’s a low maintenance material felt, but still requires some level of checking to make sure nothing is damaging the felt that is unexpected. If it’s checked every year or two and you don’t have anything unexpected happen felt lasts for decades, with the minimum guarantee from felt manufacturers being 10 years.

Roofing made from felt delivers an amazing moisture protective barrier ideal for preventing wood from being made or becoming likely to be made damp. When you’re managing a felt roof system, moisture gathers underneath the shingles and is absorbed by the roofing felt with takes the hit rather than the wood having to absorb it causing dampness.

If you’re concerned about wood damp or anything relating to your roof just get in touch.