Chimneys end up costing homeowners more money than they should due to lack of maintenance and regular checks. Keeping on top of your chimney (excuse the pun) by having them inspected is a low-cost practical way of ensuring they still in good shape.
Being exposed as they are your chimneys have to contend with the elements such as wind and rain which cause damage at the inner render and mortar joints, threatening the structure of the chimney meaning you could in a worst-case have to see chimneys collapse. Collapsed chimneys can cost thousands of pounds to fix and could cause huge damage to the rest of the building – I recommend you have annual chimney inspections which can be done at the same time as other jobs such as guttering or XXXX.
Chimneys that have damage or weaknesses can allow moisture into the roof and into the interior walls. Dampness from chimneys can damage internal plasterwork, ceilings and will make your home less environmentally friendly as well as costing you more money on heating.