Gutter and gully cleaning

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Gutter and Gully Cleaning

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Gutter and Gully Cleaning

A gutter or gully full of debris combined with the ever raining UK climate is a recipe for roof disaster! Our gutters have lots of put up with. Increasing volumes of rain, leaves, silt, litter, birds nest, general rubbish, twigs, moss – the list goes on. Any of these things stuck in your gutter and gully not cleaned will lead to blockages.

Gutters that are not cleaned and cleared can be corroded and cause leaks. There’s part of your gutter or gully that are prone to issues, leading to water ingress and issues with the building or roofs underlying structure. The cost of not carrying having regular gutter and gully cleaning far outweighs this inexpensive, quick and simple practice.

For those who haven’t heard of a Gully before it’s defined as a trap to provide or prevent foul gases getting into your home through a water seal. The deepwater seal is normally a min 50mm deep. This gully also ensures insects and other nasties from your sewer line aren’t able to access the building through wastewater pipes. Cleaning your gully is about the vacuuming of the waste build-up, reviewing and inspecting the drains overall condition and then the final step is to use a high-pressure jet to blast water through the pipe which gets any final unwanted elements out to the way. Think of the gully like your toilet with a water trap in place to prevent smells coming up from beneath!

The most common forms of issues you’ll find when you don’t carry out regular gutter and gully cleaning include:

Clogged Gutters – self-explanatory but full of debris and the gutter isn’t going to do its job. Easily avoided with gutter and gully cleaning

Sagging gutters – when the weight of stuff builds up the gutter can begin to sag and look unsightly

Gutters pulling away from the roof – this can be due to your hangers that secure the gutter to your fascia deteriorating

Leaks and holes – this is where holes appear in the joints and waters leaks through
Badly pitched gutters – when gutters are installed they can be angled incorrectly which prevents proper water flow

Downspouts incorrectly placed – this is mainly when the downspout is too close to the house meaning the water gets put down onto the foundations of the house

Missing gutters – sections of the roof just that have no guttering. Not something we’ll fix through installation.

If you don’t want to pay the price later then get in touch with Mavia today for us to quote you.