Chimney repair

Maiva Roofing

Chimney Repairs

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Chimney Repairs; better to be safe than sorry!

 Chimneys put up with a lot! From fire, wind, snow and rain your chimney fights off the elements all year round. So when you notice your chimney needs repairing it’s good to act fast and pick the right person to complete your chimney repair to the highest quality.

Whether your chimney repair is from frost damage or your chimney needs careful restoration we have the experience and skills to complete the work.


Why is it important to keep your chimney in good condition?

Damaged chimneys are prone to allowing moisture into your home leading to dampness. During bad weather conditions poorly maintained chimneys can have a nasty habit of falling down and causing harmful damage to your roof and surrounding property or worst case vehicles or even people.

Trust Maivia with your chimney repairs…
We pride ourselves on our commitment to complete your chimney repair with the highest quality, service, and customer satisfaction

From our extensive experience repairing chimneys we’ve listed what we believe to be the most common issues with chimneys which include: blockage, cracks in the flue, creosote, brickwork problems, and the chimney cap and crown.

Chimney blockage:
Lots of things can block your chimney, be it a birds nest, debris that’s fallen in, twigs, branches, leaves – lots of stuff can get into a chimney can cause a blockage. Typically this occurs when a chimney hasn’t been used in a while so you’re more likely to find this issue after a warm spell where you’ve not used the chimney for a prolonged period! It’s recommended that your chimney is inspected for blockages annually.

Chimney creosote:
Creosote is the tar that forms when you burn wood and it lines the inside of your chimney. When you mix creosote and sort, which is the powder that colours the smoke when you burn wood it’s described as chimney creosote. It’s dangerous because chimney creosote is flammable which isn’t ideal as it’s inside your chimney! This can cause chimney fires and if it’s twinned with a blockage you could risk carbon monoxide poisoning which isn’t easy to detect due to it being odourless! Don’t risk it, get your chimney cleaned to keep on top of chimney creosote.

Chimney cap and crown:
The chimney cap and crown are the first things that protect your chimney against the weather. These are the top outward-facing typically concrete coating which can crack! If these are damaged then it’s like opening the front door for moisture and damage from the elements.

Cracks in the chimney flue:
Cracks in the chimney flue are all about damaging the lining that’s in place when any chimney is installed. It’s dangerous when it happens and should not be used until the lining is replaced. If the flue is cracked it increases the risk of exposure to dangerous gasses such as carbon monoxide. Don’t risk it get it fixed!

Chimney brickwork problems:
Chimney masonry can go unchecked for a 100 years if the mortar is in good condition but when it does go downhill it can cause huge problems and let moisture in. We are expert in brickwork problems associated with chimneys so can certainly help

We’d love to hear from you and come to assist with any chimney requirements you have