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Guttering is the narrow trough, that runs around the perimeter of your roof which creates a channel to catch runoff rainwater and get rid of it from the roof.

The main purpose of guttering is to channel water away from the roof’s base thus acting as a buffer to help stop the issues that are created by water including erosion, leaks in parts of the house, damage to your paintwork, the list goes on. Many people actually store water which comes off their roof for future use.

Guttering in the home is typically plastic or metal but can be made from various materials such as concrete, stone, and wood.

Problems with your gutter
You can always prevent damage to gutters if you get regular maintenance to them. Clearing gutters and cleaning the debris away is a common service we provide a Maiva. Getting this done regularly means it’s easy to stop problems before they appear. If you invest in 6 monthly or even annual maintenance you won’t be left in a situation where you suddenly have to replace the entire guttering which can be costly.

Blocked guttering meaning it won’t drain
More often than not when Maiva is called to look at guttering it’s due to them not draining properly. When they become clogged, they can’t drain properly and can start to overflow during heavy periods of rain. The block is about keeping things flowing as when they don’t flow it can lead to issues with the foundation. Keep the water flowing is the name of the game!

Guttering that sags
When gutters are full to the brim with the usual culprits live branches, twigs, moss and general rubbish the water can obviously overflow but you also run the risk of the guttering due to the heavy load of the water weighing it down causing it to sag.

Other common issues are leaks and holes, and general damage to your gutters due to wear and tear from the weather.